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Contents of disc #JB122:

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This WMAL morning show from July 23 1990 had the Joy Boys
and Johnny Holliday, filling in for Harden and Weaver.
This CD contains the 8 AM - 10 AM hours, minus the news
and most pre-recorded commercials. See CD #JB121 for
the first half of this morning's show.

This material is also on CD #JB110, with more commercials
intact, but more background noise too.

1. Theme / pollen count / calls
2. WMA weather / spots
3. Alma's cast party / Garfunkel's / calls
4. Calls
5. Cake and pizza / spots
6. Weather / Market Inn spot
7. Spots / pet store
8. Sports / theme
9. Ladies golf and sunscreen / spots
10. Back in Shape spot / more golf
11. Spots / Nutrasystem spot
12. Art Brown calls
13. Fax / exotic birds / spots
14. Spots
15. Calling "Balmer" hospital / signoff

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